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Cockroaches are persistent pests that aren't just a nuisance - they're also known to carry disease. Due to their quick reproduction and eating habits, they can quickly take over your home. Cockroaches are hardy insects that can survive almost anywhere in the world. There are a number of cockroach species that can infest homes in Wisconsin, especially in Minocqua and other surrounding cities. These species include the German cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach, the American cockroach and the oriental cockroach.
Many people mistakenly believe that only "dirty" people get cockroaches, but this is a myth. Cockroaches are opportunistic creatures and will infest your house to take advantage of your shelter and food. As carriers of numerous diseases, they will tend to gather around waste deposits in your kitchen, trash containers, garbage cans, and anywhere food is present. Cockroaches forage for food during the night and hide in cracks and crevices during the day. They hide in appliances like blenders, toasters, refrigerators, and they may hide in computers, telephones, behind ovens, in cupboards under sinks and any place they won't be easily seen. By taking a good look around your house you can find the hiding places where roaches are coming from. Once a cockroach infestation gets started, its severity is usually determined by the resources available for cockroach survival like food, water and harborage or hiding places.
So despite what you saw your parents do, a simple swat or toss of your shoe at a roach from atop a kitchen chair, does not constitute an effective method of residential roach control. Sanitation of your kitchen and other areas of your home require dedication and hard work, but are necessary for a cockroach-free living space. Since these insects can adapt and become immune to exterminating products, it is very important to take care of them the first time. Maintain sanitation and exclusion techniques to avoid encouraging a new infestation. Use traps or visual inspections to help determine if further treatment is necessary. Using a trap may prevent an infestation by catching cockroaches that are carried into the home in bags or boxes before they find hiding places. Eliminating water and food will make roaches move farther to obtain them and come into contact with baits and other control tactics. Look for live and dead cockroaches, cast skins, egg capsules, and droppings, all of which aid in identification and are evidence of an infestation.

Aside from carrying diseases, cockroaches also produce their own allergens in a way. Cockroach allergens can create severe health complications, but they can also be life-threatening. They also produce a powerful allergen that causes allergies and asthma. Additionally, cockroach feces, shed skins, and body parts become allergens that can cause mild to severe rashes, other allergic reactions, and extreme asthma attacks. So if you or someone in your home or business has asthma then a single cockroach in the vicinity can be life-threatening.
At this point you might be asking yourself, "If I haven't seen a cockroach, then why should I hire a professional roach extermination service?". While one dead cockroach may not be a sign of an infestation, if you find more than one over time, you need roach control. Cockroach control can be tricky because there are different types of cockroaches, and they are eliminated using different techniques. Without correct pest control cockroaches can cause devastation to your home or business and without effective roach control plan along with the materials and equipment to eradicate them, it is often a losing battle. Roach control and extermination methods are specifically selected based on the species of roach that is confirmed to be the problem. To keep your home or business clean and safe while protecting your peace of mind, it is essential that you eliminate cockroaches as soon as possible.
At Prompt Action Minocqua, we will complete a full inspection and then determine the best cockroach control and extermination treatment for you. The purpose of an inspection is to identify the roaches' life stages, then to locate the source of the roach infestation, and lastly, to determine the best treatment method to rid you of your cockroach problems. Our pest control experts are trained professionals with years of service experience in providing Minocqua Wisconsin superior cockroach control in residential and commercial settings. Every member of our team undergoes ongoing education and training to ensure we are knowledgeable in all new technology and methods used to treat cockroaches and other unwanted pests.
If you're constantly discovering roaches running across your floors, in your bathroom, or outside in your yard, our roach control services are designed to eliminate your roach problems completely. We make sure the infestation is eliminated for good. Protect your home and your health with help from us at Prompt Action Pest Control in Minocqua! Get in touch with us today and let us kick these cockroaches out of your home or business. Call us at 877-877-6678 for a free quote.
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