Bed bugs are a risk to your property and family health. Bed bugs are common in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and Europe. They are becoming more and more prevalent in the media with infestations increasing throughout the country. Bed bugs can multiply quickly, so early detection is critical to help prevent an even larger infestation. Knowing what they look like is the first step in being able to search for them.
Bed bugs are reddish brown, oval and flat household pests that sneak into human living spaces. They are about the length of the eraser on the end of a pencil around 6-7 mm long, but this measurement may vary depending on age. They mostly come out at night, typically travel about 8 feet (the length of your bed or couch), and lay eggs in seams of fabrics and upholstered furniture. It takes around 3 to 10 minutes for a bed bug to feed, but the bite is painless so people won't notice it's happening. Although nobody wants to be bitten by these critters, there is no known spread of disease from getting bitten or no known illness. Bed bugs are parasites that need to feed on blood to grow and reproduce. The common bed bug prefers feeding on humans, however it will also bite other warm-blooded animals, including dogs, cats, birds and rodents.